About Us

Our Story

Love at first sight...
Our love story with alpacas started many years ago when we first saw these amazing animals on a small farm in the Gulf Islands of British Columbia. By a twist of faith, we happen to pass by a farm with some funny looking animals! Wondering what they were, we stopped and asked the friendly owner more information. She gladly provided explanations and took us on a tour of her lovely farm shop. We discovered that these elegant furry animals provided one of the softest fiber that could be spun into yarn! Needless to say, it was love at first sight...and first touch!
The Land and the Old Barn
As long time residents of Sutton, we were searching for a land in the area that would be appropriate for raising alpacas. In 2009, we were able to acquire a stunning 120 acres farmland on chemin Macey, a quiet backroad a few minutes away from the village.
This pristine land included a barn and a few other historical buildings dating back to the 1890’s. The location offered 360° views of the surrounding mountains, a beautiful pasture land and a large forested area. We knew we had found the perfect setting to raise alpacas!
We decided to restore the beautiful old barn while trying to preserve its historical character as it would become home to our alpacas and the ideal place to establish our charming on-site boutique. After two years of hard work, restoring the century-old barn and planning the new alpaca-friendly layout, we were finally ready to welcome our first alpacas in the fall of 2012.


Our Mission
We quickly decided to raise a limited number of animals, focusing on high quality grey and black alpacas. We also decided to offer an agritourism experience for animal lovers by opening our doors and sharing the pleasures of raising alpacas in a pristine location.
We take pride in offering exclusive collections of knits, handwoven products and unique creations carefully crafted here in Quebec. Our handmade products are designed and made with care here at the farm, and with the help of an amazing team of local knitters and weavers. We also carry fair trade handmade alpaca products ensuring you the best selection of alpaca knitwear.
The main goal of our farm is to be able to share our unconditional
love and passion for these animals. Whether it's reflected in the educational experience we offer, the quality of alpacas we produce or the knitted collections we put forward, our passion is always at the center of it all!
Visit the farm and discover for yourself!